
Applications are closed.

They were open from February 06, 2023 to April 07, 2023.

The number of places for the school is limited to 70 people. Connect to scienceconf and submit a CV and a letter motivating your interest in participating in the school on the page My Submissions before April 07, 2023 in a single document in pdf format (pdf title FamilyName.pdf). You will be asked to specify your thematic axis. In the title tab please indicate your employer as shown on your payslip.

The selection of applications will be made by April 21, 2023. You will then have to register before May 19, 2023 and proceed to the payment (the modalities will be sent to you by e-mail on April 24, 2023).


The cost of the school includes, in addition to the nights, the meals from Sunday evening to Friday noon included, and the coffee breaks as well as the participation to the social event on Tuesday. This cost is covered by the CNRS for its employees (limited number of places to 25), it is 750 euros for employees of EPST outside CNRS and Universities, it is 500 euros for PhD and post-doctoral students and 1100 euros for participants from private organizations. The cost of transportation is the responsibility of the participants except for CNRS employees.

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